The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. – Psalm 19:1

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You were created on purpose and for a purpose. God designed you with particular gifts, abilities, and strengths to prepare you for His purpose. He put a desire deep in your heart to fulfill the purpose He has in mind for you.

For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable – Romans 11:29

A life lived on purpose has meaning. It is not subject to the whims of the world or the schemes of the devil. Everyone has an innate desire to live according to their calling and will experience peace from the moment their purpose is discovered and their life is aligned accordingly.

We wrote this book to help people discover their gifts and calling through a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. You can discover your sweet spot, that condition where everything connects in peace, and live your life in that pace of strength. You can wonder at the will of God and merge yours to come into agreement with the source of truth. You can take a look inside at what “makes you tick” and choose the best. You can be the person God created you to be.

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